Over some time, I have had a chance to read some great books on product, analytics and traction from a startup’s point of view. They are insightful and help reduce the number of unknowns when getting into space !! These are my recommended startup books.

Product Management/Growth

  • The most accurate portrayal of the startup journey.
  • The highs and the lows of the journey.
  • The hard decisions to be made along the way.
  • If you are going to read one book before starting or if starting up. Read this !!
  • Must have Startup Book for Founders !!
  • List of all possible growth channels.
  • Which ones to use and which ones not?
  • Lots of case studies and examples.
  • Must have if still figuring out how to grow?
Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth by [Gabriel Weinberg, Justin Mares]
  • One of the first read-around growth hacking and marketing in general.
  • Very similar but a different take from Traction.
  • Lots of case studies.
  • Good compendium to have for long-term reference and view.
  • Best overall lean startup idea !!
  • How to treat startup building as a hypothesis exercise instead of hammering right away.
  • Quick feedback loops.
  • Lots of case studies and examples for reference.

  • Why talk to users and frequently?
  • How to do it effectively?
  • Why your mom will always say great things about your startup?
  • Most startups fail due to building something which no one needs.
  • Learn how to discern customer feedback to work your way to product-market fit.

These were some of the startup books, I read over time which made a profound difference in my understanding and covering all basics. Reading them will not accurately reflect the experience of working or building a startup. It will give you a good idea and pointers around startups.

Disclaimer: Most of these books have an Amazon link, should you buy using these links? I would make a tiny commission from Amazon at no cost to you. This might help cover the hosting costs and maybe a few snacks along the way!!

More details reach out admin[at]startupanalytics.in

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